There are many non-surgical treatments that have been proven to be quite effective for a number of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the knees. Often, it is recommended that patients take anti-inflammatory medications, which may be prescription-strength or over-the-counter. Lifestyle changes can also play a large role in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the knees. Because the knees carry a lot of weight, being overweight can aggravate any condition of the knee, including rheumatoid arthritis, so it is a good idea to lose some of the extra weight. A healthy diet and exercise plan can go a long way in treating this type of condition. Often, physicians will recommend that patients with Health Factory Nlp Hero Review
rheumatoid arthritis in the knees visit a physiotherapist, where they will be taught specific exercises that are meant to help keep the knees functioning properly. A lot of patients also use heat therapy, as well as compression with a knee brace, for stability and pain relief.
There may come a time when arthritis cannot be successfully treated non-surgically. At this point, the patient will often need to undergo knee replacement surgery. This is where the damaged part of the knee is removed, and replaced with a prosthesis. This is a very common procedure, but it does require a few months of rehabilitation time.